Age 3 yrs - 4 yrs
Bumble Bees Junior Preschool
TOTSVILLE's preschool is centered on preparing your child for the critical transition into elementary school. Our curriculum is structured to sharpen reading, writing, math, and social skills so that your preschooler will be ready for the academic and social challenges ahead. The basis of our educational program can be summarized as "C.M.L.E.A.P.S.” i.e. Cognitive, Mathematics, Music, Language, Literacy, English-Language-Acquisition, Arts, Physical, Socio-Emotional, Science and Technology, and Social Studies. This acronym symbolizes the connection that is made as our loving, experienced staff reaches out to students during this essential period in their learning development.
Mathematics presents an introduction to the basis of logic and numbers.
Cognitive connects experiences and uses important process skills. Activities involving sorting and classifying encourage children to think logically. Opportunities for dramatic play are embedded throughout many of the resources. Children also have the chance to represent their learning, such as by creating charts, graphs, drawings, and models.
Art is an instrument for creative exploration and self-expression. Art, music, and drama activities are integrated into daily classroom experiences.
Language, as a building block of all education, shapes future attitudes about learning. Language provides daily opportunities during choice time and small- and large-group times to intentionally engage in meaningful conversations with children about their experiences and ideas. Engaging experiences encourage children to communicate about what they are learning.
Music is used as a listening tool to understand tone and expand into rhythm.
Science and Technology features studies, which are project-based investigations of meaningful topics. Children apply skills in literacy, mathematics, the arts, and technology as they explore concepts in science and social studies.
Literacy engages children in literacy activities that focus on phonological awareness, comprehension, print awareness, and alphabet knowledge.
Writing skills provide a variety of activities that help children understand print concepts and encourage them to write for a variety of purposes.
English Language Acquisition support English- and dual-language learners and build teachers' knowledge about effective teaching strategies. In addition, our materials engage families as active partners in supporting children’s development and learning at home.
Physical outdoor experiences highlighted new and interesting ways for children to develop strength, balance, coordination, and motor skills.
Socio-Emotional outlines strategies for building a classroom community and developing positive relationships with and among children.
Social Studies includes book discussions, site visits, classroom visitors, and dramatic play. Children are encouraged to examine how people live and work.
Exploration focuses on families, communities, and cultural diversity.We present these elements in a group setting, where children begin to understand the value of being a team player.
We use positive reinforcement and the Golden Rule to encourage listening, sharing, taking turns, and cooperation with each other. Building these social skills is critical to success in the classroom.